Save The Planet - Bringing Love Along With A Subliminal Cassette

Have you discovered the amazing power of subliminal messaging for yourself and found it really beneficial that you now want to use it on your friends. There are many benefits you can enjoy if you decide to apply this great mind power technique on your friends.

You can also reap more benefits if you listen to subliminal music. This is music with subliminal messages hidden in them. Subliminal messages are messages designed to communicate with the subconscious mind. Sometimes, even if you try to consciously calm your brain down, there are just too many powerful negative thoughts in there. But you can easily overpower these thoughts if you send positive messages to your subconscious, which is more powerful and more influential than the conscious mind. There are many subliminal MP3s for sale over the Internet; you can listen to these every day for a few minutes and experience amazing changes in your brain's abilities and overall state.

Are the scripts written in the language of the subconscious? The subconscious is very childlike. It takes everything literally. Sentences must be short and simple and avoid complicated "if" and "when" clauses. "If I eat too much, I will get fat" could be heard by the subconscious as, "I eat too much. I will get fat." Could this ever backfire! Long, involved sentences are a sure sign that the writers lack expertise.

As opposed to what many people think, this befitting audio subliminals technology for the mind is not new in the market. It has existed for a long time. The only difference between now and then, that is, a hundred years ago when it was embraced, is that today, it is very sophisticated. Maybe there will be other improvements on it in the future but today, it is at the zenith of its performance.

If you're striving to attain any goal at all - find something in that goal that is measurable. Measure the subliminal CDs hell out of it. Seek to improve... all the time.

You can listen to the subliminal messages as they are recorded as mp3s or in CDs, or you can post them in familiar places such as in your bathroom or mirror.

Determine the best time. Next to location, you have to identify the most ideal time to do this. When you're already excellent in meditation, this will no longer be difficult for you. You can already do it any time you want. Nevertheless, you can get the best results out of your meditation when you do so early in the morning or before you go to bed. Both times are usually free of worries. The latter is the best time to be most receptive with the subliminal messages since the mind is completely relaxed.

Use the hypnosis CDs often. Hypnosis isn't an overnight practice. It should be done regularly since the subconscious mind is extremely hard to get into. Thus, listen to your hypnosis audio as many times as you can. You can also play your CDs in your car while driving.

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